
Night Guardian-1

May 1, 2011

Winter Fog

Dark Moods

Ariegaw L.E. Garcia
(About Poetry Forum)
It rises from the bottom or maybe it descends from above sometimes you see
it come in from out there floating along the surface of the Bering Sea
a twist on deception in the noiseless freeze all I hear is the motion
of the water against the boat and the fog horn that shatters
the muffled effect of molecules packed tightly together
bone cold obscures my reason unable to control
the chattering of my teeth pulling the nets into
the boat I convulse the line slices into my
fingers icy rage is never planned it
just happens like this thick
winter fog that swallows
you alive leaving no
clues to which
way shore

March 14, 2011

Crossing Over

Crossing Over Series

Time (sold)

There is the excitement of departing

Waiting  (sold)

In the midst of sorrow we find Paradise
Let go of the ideas and attitudes that do not serve well.
Cross Over. 

The universe opens her arms.
Embrace the new. 
Step back and Rediscover
What God has created.


At Last we have arrived. Life is what we make

January 26, 2011

The Owl Paintings

The Owl Paintings

Fire and Rain and What Remains
Acrylic on canvassold

3am, out there in the distance behind the pines and cedars, The call of the owl carries.

Night Guardian I, II, III, animal spirit guide. (sold)

I will bottle my emotions up and dream dreams of you on the canvas of my mind. You who call to me, guide me thru the dark of my life.

Oh Mother,  
did I fail you? 
Did I forget you?
 Am I orphaned now?
  Who will be listening when the Owl calls my name ?

To My Mother who died November 22, 2010.